Our Training Programmes

Licensed by LeadAfrique International, we run several experiential learning and capacity building programs to transform a whole-school - students, teachers and parents are impacted. Using the African Leadership Toolkit (ALT), it is a structured process for cultivating the next generation of creative and responsive leaders in Africa.

Leadership Farm is a weekly, meticulous programme that enables a student to discover his or her innate potential for effective leadership within their circle of influence. During the sessions, Participants are guided through critical yet practical fun concepts that will support them to find their essence in life and develop strategies for its achievement. It empowers and enables participants to lead themselves to greatness and adequately prepares them to lead others effectively.

A flagship program skewed towards academics to draw from students’ innate capabilities to harness their strengths to do exceptionally well in their examinations. We equip them with the skills to study more effectively, and in the process are able to comprehend, recall and defend their opinions where necessary.

Most people spend an average of 88,000 hours in careers that steals their joy. They are a mismatch to their inborn capabilities and not purpose-driven. The objective of the programme to enable young people embrace an infinite possibility of options available to them juxtapose it with the innate strengths and capabilities and design a blueprint to make informed decisions for their future.

Many young adults are conflicted in areas of school, friends, parents, dating and sex, addictions and self-worth especially as they transition to boarding schools and receive tertiary education. The decisions they make regarding these areas oftentimes determines the level of success they will each attain in life and when. With this in mind, this programme provides young people with the tools to answer some of life’s most challenging questions as they prepare for the next stage of their lives.

Every year Prefects are elected to lead various offices in a school without often times understanding what is required of them to excel in these roles. This program seeks to develop the prefect’s leadership potential and developing transferable skills that will serve them well as prefects in the school and beyond. They will learn to position themselves responsibly where they will lead, learn to be led and to serve and to leave a legacy.

Most employers spend more resources to equip graduates with employable skills while on the job. This program seeks to provide early understanding of work and to cultivate a spirit of entrepreneurship in our young children by providing them with continuous work skills in different environments, grooming them with practical skills and honing their interests in their selected fields of endeavor. 

There is a reason people do what they do. An understanding of this basic principle provides the child the power to make right informed choices about life. They will further learn to cultivate better relationships with their parents and friends and do better academically.

Teachers are one of the greatest influencers of children, as they look up to them for acceptance, hope and validation. Teacher Transformation Programme seeks to equip teachers to enable them fulfill their original and true role in the life of students – light a fire and see to the full realization of the greatness of each child.

The development of a strategic direction and growth of a school is one of our passions. We provide structured guidance including the development of broad frame, vision and mission generation and how to transition from vision to action. Under this broad framework is a special emphasis on the Directors of the school using the Leadership Challenge Framework to hone the leadership capabilities. 

Oftentimes, we promote people based on their technical and not leadership and managerial competencies leaving a great gap and discontentment on the part of supervisors as well at the Principals. The objective of this program is to groom Principals of schools in leadership and soft skills that will enrich their person, and as they experience these skills the schools will invariably benefit. 

Leadership Farm Summer Camp is a 1-week self and purpose discovery summer camp for upper primary, junior high, senior high, and university-bound young people between ages 6 -20. At the end of every academic year, hundreds of emerging student leaders from across the country are camped to be groomed in the art of leadership and statesmanship. By participating in the camp, students gain skills in self-awareness, personal growth, confidence, and self-esteem in an environment that fosters learning character traits that will propel them into their sometimes-uncertain yet prosperous future. 

The purpose of this programme is to empower the young people with tools to live effective and fulfilled lifestyles. This program provides clarity of thought and route to achieving their dreams. Participants will craft their own Personal Vision Statements, Personal Mission Statements, Personal Value, and Develop 10 year life plans.

Parents are not left out in this equation because as the old adage goes “it takes a village to raise a child”. But the people in the village must be armed with the right information to raise today’s child. This program seeks to provide parents with researched information that will support their wards live principled lives, succession and leaving behind a legacy for their wards.

  1. Transformational Leadership Skills
  2. Business Growth and Strategy Development
  3. How to Develop A Strategic Plan
  4. Goal Setting Lifeclass
  5. Supervisory Management Skills
  6. Exceptional Customer Service
  7. Effective Project Management Skills
  8. Effective Stress Management Skills
  9. Career Planning and Development
  10. Productivity Masterclass
  11. Exceptional Public Speaking Skills

Our Vision, Our Mission

Transformed and sustainable Africa through creative and proactive leaders, and to inspire people achieve their unique Greatness.

Women are instrumental in sustainable development. Thus, we support them by developing their skills in leadership and business to enhance equal opportunities.

Our goal is to empower women and youth groups through capacity building in leadership, advocacy, policies, democracy and governance to enable them take on positive social action.

We have developed LYLA to teach leadership with the aim of engaging and equipping Liberia’s next generation of leaders. It is a six-month intensive leadership development for emerging Liberian leaders.